Sweet Rome
Do you like travelling around the world? I love travelling around the world and that's why I am writting about this topic. I have been in different cities like Lisbon, Madrid, Paris... but the city I most like is Rome. Colosseum Roma is the capital of Italy and it is located in the south of it. I went by plane, which I took in Bilbao with my parents and my brother. We took a house rented for a week, the time that we were there. From the first moment that we arrived there, the thing that most impressed me was how nice the people were, how we were treated by them... If one day you decide to travell to Rome, I would suggest you visinting these places without thinking twice: the Colosseum, Fontanna di Trevi, the Spanish square and the Vatican. The Vatican is a city considered as a country near Rome, where the Pope lives. The food was delicious, I fell in love from the first day! There were a lot of restaurants in wich you could eat typical food fro...